Our clients

Whiplash – (Odder,DK 50 male) – I have suffered from a whiplash injury for many years after being hit from behind at a go-cart work related outing.  The injury did not make me an invalid, but it had irritating affects including discomforts, background pains and a monthly migraine.  After the first treatment I was already much more mobile in my neck, shoulders and back than I have been for many years.  Now, after a months time, I am almost free of all symptoms.  I am still continuing with my home-program. 

Back Pains – Office Worker (53, North Germany, woman)  I found ABR after I had been on sick-leave for an entire year due to debilitating back pains.  It was no longer possible to sit on a chair and work at a desk even for part of the day and I was close to needing an operation.  I had an intensive week with 10 sessions and got a collection of relaxing exercises and was back to work soon after.  Whenever the need arises, I always go back to doing these things.  It was the best decision I made – to try ABR.  Now after many years, I am still pain free. 

Morbus Bekterew (62, male, Copenhagen now bookkeeping, but was physically active earlier). The onset of Bekterews was at least 10 years ago.  The pains only got worse and worse.  My back rounded and walking – and life –  became nearly impossible.  Sleep was rare.  I had not been able to lie on my back for over eight years.  After two days of working on the Galileo Plate, I could lie on my back again.  After one week, my mobility had already improved, and I was able to stop taking pain medications. Walking is easier, and I can move around much more.  It is now beginning to feel good to be alive again – I will surely continue with ABR as new improvements keep showing up daily. 

Post Knee Operation (Florida – Retired) – When I signed up for the knee replacement, no one told me that the pains would be so bad after the surgery.  Before the operation, I had pains when walking, but after the surgery, I had over a year of constant pains which kept me awake most of the night.  After a few years the side of my leg still hurt constantly, and as the Doctors then told me, they had shortened the iliotibial band which they thought was the cause of the constant pains.  I really did not expect any improvements from the ABR exercises I started doing on the sofa at home, but after a very few weeks, all pains were gone.  Now I am sorry, that I did not try ABR before the operation. 

Shoulder and Back Pains – Bakery worker – (Copenhagen, 49 years, woman) It was hard for me to confront the fact that I might have to give up my own bakery due to serious back pains.  I was no longer able to do all the heavy lifting. But a week with 10 ABR Sessions changed all of that.  It took away all my pains and after several years, I am still happy to have my bakery. 

Guillian Barre (58, Skanderborg) – For whatever reason I had an acute case of Guillian Baare Syndrome.  I was paralyzed for 10 days and afterwards my feet, legs and back felt as if they were packed in in iron gloves.  Walking was impaired and my balance was poor.  Intensive ABR including full trunk wraps and feet wraps brought my mobility back.  There is still work to do which I am now achieving on the Galileo with ABR inspired exercises.